Math Class 9 Notes

Looking for the best math class 9 notes Available.Don’t worry then.

Here you can Find the best handwritten well detailed and structured notes for all the units of class 9 math.

All the notes are prepared by specialist of each subject.We also provide with the best tips and tricks to Ace Your Board Exams.

We have 20 year’s of Experience in teaching and have good grasp of each topic. We Have the best math class 9 notes.

Following are the list of all the Units of Math Class 9.

Algebraic formulas for class 9:

Before even learniing how to solve questions of math class 9 the most important thing to know are the algebraic formulas, these formulas have been used again and again in every questions.

These algebraic expression formulas for class 9 are really helpful in solving complex algebric expressions.

If you want to deeply understand how these algebraic formulas works on different expressions you can check our worksheet for algebraic formulas

Unit 1: Matrices and Determinants

Unit 2: Real and Complex Numbers


Unit 3: Logarithms


Unit 4: Algebraic Expressions and Algebraic Formulas


Unit 5: Factorization

Exercise 5.1

Unit 6: Algebraic Manipulations


Unit 7: Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities


Unit 8: Linear Graphs and Their Applications


Unit 9: Introduction to Coordinate Geometry


Unit 10: Congruent Triangles


Unit 11: Parallelograms and Triangles


Unit 12: Line Bisector and Angle Bisector


Unit 13: Sides and Angles of Triangles


Unit 14: Ratio and Proportions


Unit 15: Pythagoras Theorem



Unit 17: Practical Geometry (Triangles)


You can also watch detailed videos of these units by visiting our YouTube Channel.

By visiting our YouTube channel you can easily understand these math class 9 notes.

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