Class 10 Math Exercise 3.5 Notes

Looking for the solution of Class 10 Math Exercise 3.5, Then worry not here at PkNotes we have provided complete solution of the exercise with step by step explaination.


(Class 10 Math Exercise 3.5)

Her We have provided you with the solution of each Question and have convered each topic which you need in order to succeed.

If you are not a learner who learns by seeing then we have also solved this exercise on our youtube channal which you can visit to deeply learn about math class 10 exercise 3.5.

 Class 10 Math Exercise 3.5 Notes


Math class 10 Exercise 3.5

These notes have been fully prepared by our team of specialist so that every student can understand them easily.

These notes are organised in such a way that even weak students can also understand them and learn from them easily.

Concept Used in Exercise 3.5 Math Class 10

Here in this exercise the basic concepts that have been used are 

  • Ratio And Proportion
  • Direct Proportion
  • Inverse Proportion
  • Joint Proportion

Handwritten Notes

Class 10 Math Exercise 3.5


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